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The ritual, the meditation

A whim of a story which a toy wash itself finally transformed into a metonymy of the act of washing located inside a laundry shop. And the work ultimately built up as an echo to a theme of "self".

To be honest, during the process of designing the scenes and thinking narratives, I kept having doubts on the interpreting the character is on the journey of regaining "oneself" in the whiteness void and by the act of washing itself. The more I worked on, the more I think that true essence may look like an inspirational explanation to comfort ourselves from something we probably will not understand. The metaphysics of these thoughts 

Maybe thats why I prefer to keep it as an open interpretation of what I (subconsciously) produce. But surely, one thing I have figured out is that, the process of making this work became an act that I consistently reviewed the thoughts and values that I initially thought for the work, even for myselfAnd probably the work itself is a ritual move to "regain" and comfort myself from the chaotic complex worlds. And probably what producing art means to me.

Many of my visuals imagery inspirited from music and sound .
Here is a working playlist.

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