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Early draft on themes and concepts

My impulse of making video works always begins with a repetitive thinking and introspection towards tangled emotions and complicated events happened around me.

Through this whim of a stuffed toy washing themselves, I recalled one of my practise in experimental video work which explored the act of (brain-)washing with vanishing of one's identity in the relationship of ideology, politics, and religion.

But this time, rather seeing the work to a macroscopic view like social context,

I intended to take it as intrapersonal way and a more personal to simply express complexed emotions and thoughts on people comes and goes.

Thus, I started with a mindmap exploring the theme of letting go relating to the story I came up with.

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Mindmap exploring the main theme

Sometimes, the way someone who is devastated to let go of something would wish to "wash away" the memories, erasing the past, so that those tangled thoughts and emotions caused by the events would bother us no more.

Excelling in "letting go of something" is like showing you are mature enough...

In the draft, I thought situating the main character in a scenario of aiming to washing itself away is depicting on how we are devastating to get rid of "bad" emotions. But at the end, we could realise that going in such extreme will never be the right option to deal with all sorts of thing.

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Early storyboards thumbnails

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Early rough concept design

While developing the narratives and visual styles of the work, I came across with a song which depicts the sentimental and acoustic vibes of what I picture my animation will be. This song was later put in the early animatics draft and it helped me constructing the flow and emotion of the animation I pursued.

I’ll leave you words

Underneath your door

Underneath the singing moon

Near the place where your feet pass by

Hidden in the holes of wintertime

And when you’re alone for a moment


Kiss me

Whenever you want ...


Je te laisserai des mots
En-dessous de ta porte
En-dessous de la Lune qui chante
Tout près de la place où tes pieds passent
Cachés dans les trous, dans l'temps d'hiver
Et quand tu es seule pendant un instant

Quand tu voudras

Patrick Watson - Je te laisserai des mots

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