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Start from a whim

One day, a music video of Cavetown bumped into my youtube home page. The whole video is just a slow-mo of someone putting the stuffed toy into a washing machine and it starts whirling. While watching the video with such a sense of timeless, I had a whim which I imagined,


what if a puppet went to a laundry shop and start pulling the clothes, the cotton, and even the soft heart it has inside its body ......

Cavetown - Empty Bed

The whim were stuck in my head for a while till I decided to think it as an animation. I drew a few storyboards -

a stuffed bear seeing the machine washing its heart too fast that the threads of the heart were loosened, and pushing it to go on a journey to gather up the threads and repair the heart eventually.

Initially, since the main character was imagined as a stuffed toy, I thought of adopting a mixed media stop motion style. 
It later became the base of my final year project but instead, it was produced in a  hand-draw style.

Early Draft & thumbnails

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